Writing: Extra Parts

A sound at the door,

Not a knock, but a thud.

Captain Kidd threw it open,

Then he froze where he stood.

On the step, a small bundle,

With inky black hair.

He set eyes on its’ legs

And knew who’d left it there.

When she smiled, he was lost,

Wrapped right round her tentacle.

William Kidd was a Dad now,

And he caused quite the spectacle.

With an influx of advice,

From nearly all local mothers,

He raised her, adored her,

And kept her legs covered.

Word spread through the town

Of his softened demeanour.

Since his daughter arrived,

The ex-pirate was sweeter.

She soon learned she was different,

Wasn’t quite like the rest.

She’d climb walls with her suckers,

“Keep it quiet, that’s best.”

With her long skirt and boots,

She went outside and walked.

But she slipped on some ice,

Someone saw, and they talked.

You know, kids can be cruel

If they find something odd.

Seems they’re downright sadistic

To cephalopods.

She refused to hide out,

She’s as tough as can be!

Uncle John fixed his hook on,

Smirked, “Leave ‘em to me.”

But it’s lonely at school,

Children laugh and they grin.

Sarah Kidd, some parts squid?

Well, she’ll never fit in.

So she goes on alone,

‘Til she spies in the copse

Outside of her house,

There’s a girl who’s half fox.

With her ears and the tail,

It’s too hard not to show.

The Kidd’s welcome this little kit

In from the snow.

Things get better for both,

As it’s hard on your own.

Maisie Knox, some parts fox,

Found a place in their home.

Author: beck

28 year old female reader from the UK!

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